Aloe as
Nature intended

Forever Living is the largest grower and manufacturer of aloe vera and aloe vera based products in the world. As the experts, we are The Aloe Vera Company.
We have dedicated ourselves to seek out nature’s best sources for health and beauty and share them with the world. At Forever, we combine pure aloe vera with natural and scientifically advanced ingredients specially selected to complement and enhance the benefits of aloe.

From plant to product to you.

From the moment our aloe is planted in the ground until it reaches your hands, we control the process.
We own the ground that the aloe grows on. Our aloe is hand harvested and hand filleted to delicately extract the potent inner leaf gel and provide you with the purest freshest aloe vera gel. It’s then aseptically processed within hours of harvest to seal in the freshness.
Throughout our manufacturing process, we perform over 1.4 million quality tests per year to ensure you get to enjoy the power of aloe vera, just as nature intended. Imagine slicing open an aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant.
Our aloe products were the first to receive the International Aloe Science Council’s Seal of Approval for content and purity.
Aloe is great for the immune system and it’s an ideal digestive aid.


Здравейте и добре дошли в нашия свят! Ние сме сем.Тодорка и Константин Желеви и през 2007г., живота ни срещна съвсем случайно с Форевър. Бяхме станали родители за първи път и се стараехме да се грижим по най-добрия начин за дългоочакваното си дете. И така, по препоръка на близка приятелка си взехме Гел за зъби и Алое Фърст – основно за детето. Харесаха ни много. Решихме да опитаме и още един продукт и още един...и „О, изненада!!!“ всеки път оставахме очаровани и безкрайно доволни. В края на 2012 г. нашето щастие започна да расте – щяхме да ставаме родители за втори път! В началото на 2013г. обаче светът ни се преобърна ... детето ни се роди в края на 6-тия месец. Няма да изпадам в подробности през какво минахме, даже не искам и да си представяте как сме се чувствали и какво сме преживяли. В онзи момент обаче видяхме истинската сила на Форевър! Нашето твърде незряло човече имаше нужда от ОГРОМНА подкрепа. Благодарение на Форевър преборихме много трудности и проблеми, но не беше само компанията, а и хората, които познавахме, и с които се запознахме в последствие и които ни помогнаха по много начини. Нашето момченце порастна. Всичките ни тревоги останаха в миналото- днес той е изключително умно, сърдечно, щуро и невероятно дете, с една прекрасна кака, на която й се наложи да израсне много бързо, покрай всичко това. Но както всички знаем всяко зло е за добро! Връщайки се отново на работа, аз вече не бях същата. Обичах работата си, имах прекрасни колеги, които са ми приятели и до днес, но нещо ми липсваше. И това нещо не ми даваше мира. Имах нужда да помагам на хората, чувствах се длъжна да „предам нататък“ .Исках да бъда СВОБОДНА- свободна да избирам сама кога, къде и с кого да прекарвам времето си! И днес правим точно това- подаваме ръка на всеки, който я поиска. Форевър промени не само нашия, но и живота на много други хора и ни даде възможността да бъдем и по- щастливи и по- здрави и най-вече свободни. Благодарим Ви, че сте в нашия свят и знайте, че сме готови да ви подкрепим по всякакъв начин да изглеждате и да се чувствате добре,също като нас ! ГОТОВИ ЛИ СТЕ ЗА ПРОМЯНА?!? Hello and welcome to our world! We are the family of Todorka and Konstantin Zhelevi and in 2007, our life met by chance with Forever. We had become parents for the first time and we tried to take the best care for our long awaited child. So on the recommendation of a close friend, we took Tooth Gel and Aloe First - mainly for the child. We liked them very much. We decided to try another product and another ... and "Oh, surprise !!!" each time we were fascinated and infinitely pleased. At the end of 2012, our happiness began to grow - we were going to become parents for the second time! In the beginning of 2013 however, our world turned upside down ... our child was born at the end of the 6th month. I will not go into details of what we went through, I don't even want you to imagine how we felt and what we experienced. At that moment, however, we saw the real power of Forever! Our very immature man needed HUGE support. Thanks to Forever we overcame many difficulties and problems, but it was not only the company, but also the people we knew and met later who helped us in many ways. Our boy has grown up. All our worries are a thing of the past - today he is an extremely smart, heartfelt, crazy and amazing child, with a beautiful big sister that had to grow up very quickly, despite all this. But as we all know, all evil is for good! When I returned to work, I was no longer the same. I loved my job, I had wonderful colleagues who are still my friends today, but I was missing something. And this thing did not give me peace. I needed to help people, so I felt obliged to "pass on". I wanted to be FREE - free to choose when, where and with who to spend my time! And today we do just that - we lend a hand to anyone who asks for it. Forever changed not only our lives, but the lives of many others and gave us the opportunity to be happier and healthier and above all, free. Thank you for being in our world and know that we are ready to support you in every way to look and feel good, just like us! ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGE?!?

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Purists will love Forever Aloe Vera Gel© made with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera.

  • 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe gel
  • No added preservatives
  • Ideal digestive aid
  • Supports immunity
  • High in vitamin C
  • Vegan friendly
  • Vegetarian friendly
  • Gluten free

Taste the Difference?

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